Thursday, January 8, 2015

Enough with the Drama

"An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.  She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life." ~Proverbs 31:10-12 ESV

Recently, the word contentious popped into my spirit and although I am familiar with that word, I went to the dictionary to confirm what it meant. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word contentious means likely to cause disagreement or argument. For years this was me. I wasn't just contentious, I had a contentious spirit. Can I be real?  I grew up around single-women who simply did not know how to be submissive.  Not that they were always contentious, but they simply did not know how to submit. Submit to what you may ask? Well, to be honest, submit to being a wife.  Being a wife (or a husband) is something that has to be learned.  It is something that takes time and effort.  And when you are contentious, constantly looking for an argument, constantly looking for a reason to complain or nag, you have to find out the root of why you are the way you are.  For me, as I stated before, I grew up around all women. My mother was single, my grandmother was single, my great-grandmother was single, and I did not see an example of how a woman is suppose to treat a man. 

So yes, while I was dating my husband, those flaws of "contentiousness" would surface, but he would look past it and we would go our separate ways since we were not living together.  However, when we married, that contentiousness came with a vengeance.  Now, he was not perfect, and neither is anyone's husband, but the question we need to ask is where is this contentious behavior coming from? Why am I nagging my spouse? Why am I always looking for an argument? Why do I always have to be right? For me: it took counseling, soul searching, and really dealing with why I was so angry. Part of it was because I did not know how to treat my husband and how to honor him, part of it was my young, immature attitude, and part of it was because my father was not present growing up, and I was angry. I was bitter inside. I had been abandoned.  But in order to be the wife I knew I wanted and needed to be, I had to deal with all the drama and stop making excuses and blaming everything on my husband.

So in closing, enough with the drama. Stop blaming your spouse for your bad behavior and seek out the root of why you are contentious.  It is so freeing to walk around knowing you don't have to be angry all the time.  Be free from this day forward.  After all, whom the Son sets free, is free indeed. (John 8: 36) The Amplified version says, "So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free." Did you hear that? That means you don't have to go around being a victim or a slave to your past. You can have peace knowing that you are the wife/husband God needs you to be for yourself and your spouse. Marriage is a journey, enjoy it!!


  1. This was good information. Its hard dying to your flesh. I too grew up in a single mommy home and my mom was very peaceful and submissive (to peace and righteousness) and because of my immaturity I didn't realize that she was operating her gift. My mother's calm and love in action behavior made me feel like I had to protect her from people. People who I saw were taking advantage of her so I stayed in attack mode. I was so silly, I didn't realize that she was doing what God called her to do (hindsight). Anyway, I carried this attack mentality into my marriage. I was quick to go off in an argument, I was always too busy thinking about my response and not listening, I was go GO about letting my husband know that he was there because I WANTED him there not because I NEEDED him there! What I realize now is that behavior was the mechanism I was using to protect myself from hurt, disappointment and vulnerability. I was fearful....I didn't want to put myself in a position to be hurt by anyone not even someone who vowed to love me until death do us part. I had seen too many people I love hurt and I wasn't going to be one of those people. Well, that behavior has done more harm than good for my marriage. Now, I would like to believe that I have come a long way since those days but if I can be honest I still have a way to go because self preservation is still my first nature--not bragging just being honest. It takes a LOT for me to not be guarded and not jump to defense. I am a work in progress but I thank God for what He has given me power to do so far.

  2. Thanks for sharing!! Let's all continue to hold each other accountable and leave the baggage in the past. It can be easy to pick up old habits if we haven't replaced our mind with positive energy and love.
